Could the Sri Lanka Death Toll Be as High As 20,000?

The Times of London reports that the death toll from fighting in Sri Lanka could be orders of magnitudes higher than current estimates.

Confidential United Nations documents acquired by The Times record nearly 7,000 civilian deaths in the no-fire zone up to the end of April. UN sources said that the toll then surged, with an average of 1,000 civilians killed each day until May 19, the day after Velupillai Prabhakaran, the leader of the Tamil Tigers, was killed. That figure concurs with the estimate made to The Times by Father Amalraj, a Roman Catholic priest who fled the no-fire zone on May 16 and is now interned with 200,000 other survivors in Manik Farm refugee camp. It would take the final toll above 20,000. “Higher,” a UN source told The Times. “Keep going.”

Horrifying aerial photos of the conflict zone accompany the article.  Amnesty International is demanding a full public accounting of the death toll.