Prediction: Don Cheadle will be “Riveting” as Good Will Ambassador for UNEP

The forever “riveting” Don Cheadle was named a Goodwill Ambassador for the United Nations Environment Program, UNEP.  With the appointed, Cheadle joins about 180 global stars as Goodwill Ambassadors (which are named by UN agencies) and “Messengers of Peace,” (which, like his Oceans 11 co-star George Clooney, are named by the Secretary General himself.) 

The first-ever Goodwill Ambassador was one Danny Kaye, a comic who held global acclaim in the 1940s and 1950s.  He was named a UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador in 1954 and starred in a series of television specials for UNICEF. For decades, he was the only Goodwill Ambassador and to a large extent defined the role for others. 

Via the Oracle of Bacon, I see that the first Goodwill Ambassador and most recent one are just three films removed from each other.