Three-Prong Attack Rocks Southern Israel

The Israeli government and media is reporting that three separate attacks have taken place in Southern Israel today, including one bombing and two ambushes. At least one attack was against a bus carrying soldiers:

Shortly after the bus attack, IDF forces engaged in a shootout with the armed men near the scene of incident. Moreover, a second shooting attack took place in which five people were seriously wounded. In addition to the shooting attacks, mortars were fired from the Egyptian border and a bomb was set off on an Israeli army vehicle.

According to reports, the passengers in the car opened fire at the Egged bus, which held many soldiers returning from their bases.

Israeli security forces searched for the suspected vehicle and set up barricades in the area, and once they caught up with the vehicle a shootout between IDF forces and the gunmen erupted.

An Israel analyst has speculated that the attackers likely entered Israel through the Sinai. If true, this would no doubt increase Israeli worries that Egypt is unable to effectively control the desert region and add tension to the two government’s already strained relations.