UN Dispatch has assembled an excellent team to cover the action in Copenhagen.   For the duration of the conference, we will offer daily round-ups that present the highlights and major developments of the day in easily digestible prose.  These will be written by Dispatch contributors Lindsay Beyerstein and Aaron Wiener.  For those craving a deeper look at the diplomacy of Copenhagen, our man in India, Abhishek Nayak, is your source.  He’ll be in Copenhagen during the crucial second week of the conference and will offer us periodic behind-the-scenes take of the wheeling and dealing going on.   (Today, he reports a rift forming in an alliance of developing countries known as the “G-77.”)  

So, dear readers, stay tuned.  There will be a flurry of activity on this site for the next couple of weeks.  And as always, send any tips, insights or questions to us at UNDispatch-AT-gmail-DOT-Com.  You can also follow us on Twitter.