Photo: © UNFPA TCHAD/Ollivier Girard

PODCAST: Trump Just Re-Instated the “Global Gag Rule.” Here’s what that means.

On his third day on office President Trump signed a memorandum re-instating what is known as the “Global Gag Rule” or sometimes alternatively as the “Mexico City Policy.” This is a policy that Republican Presidents enact and Democratic presidents lift when they come to office. Simply put the rule places restrictions on NGOs that receive US government assistance about what they can say about abortion.

As you can imagine, this policy is very much caught up in domestic US politics about abortion, but when Donald Trump signed the order re-instating the rule, his version of it went much, much farther than the George W. Bush administration or any republican administration since the Regan era.

On the line with me to discuss the Global Gag Rule, it’s history and impact on women’s lives is Seema Jalan, the Executive Director of the Universal Access Project and Policy, Women and Population, at the United Nations Foundation. She does an excellent job of explaining the policy why the Donald Trump version of it is a big departure from previous republican administrations and in fact may affect every aspect of US global health assistance around the world.

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